Hi girls, and I'm back again! Today I decided to get back in time and check out these amazing vintage hairstyles and retro Triangle Bikini by StyleWe. StyleWe is one of my favorite shopping websites and they have amazing fashion blog and the topic now is Hairstyle Fashion. I am so inspired by this first photo because it reminds me of some of my first blog posts. In my country it's still winter but I am already in mood for summer so I am looking for some amazing bikinis. Maybe this year The Beach will be in retro style. Check out some of amazing sales at StyleWe and check out new retro Hairstyles in their new bloc post! Love xoxo
Hello everyone, today I am so inspired by the winter and cold weather and I decided to write for you a post about fashion trends in 2017. Browsing through Pinterest and We Heart It I have found a bunch of outfits that are simply amazing. Clearly one of my favorite colors this year will be gray. I do not know whether this is because of premiere of Fifty shades darker or simply because of this cold weather. With gray colors and coats in the same shades, I also want to add lace-like material that is already more than a year on our fashion scene. My favorite outfit is in the first picture, and I'm really in love with this lace blouse. These are my favorites for 2017. Which one do you like best? Let this year be the year of casual variations and combinations of gray coats and lace dresses and blouses! Love xoxo
Zdravo svima, i danas sam toliko inspirisana ovim zimskim hladnim vremenom da sam dlučila da vam napišem jedan post na temu modnih trendova u 2017.godini. Listajući Pinterest i We Heart It pronašla sam gomilu outfita koji su me prosto oduševili. A očigledno jedna od mojih omiljenih boja ove godine biće upravo SIVA. Ne znam da li je to zbog premijere Pedeset nijani mračnije koja se približava jako brzo ili jednostavno zbog osećanja koje ovo tmurno vreme u meni budi. Pored džemperića sivih boja i kaputa u istim nijansama, takođe želim da dodam i čipku kao materijal koji se već više od godinu dana ne skida sa modnih scena. Moja omiljena varijanta je na prvoj slici i stvarno sam oduševljena čipkastom bluzom. Ovo su moji favoriti za 2017.godinu. Koji se vama najviše sviđa? Hajde da ove godine ulice preplavimo casual varijantama i kombinacijama sivih kaputića i čipkastih haljinica i bluza! Love xoxo
Hi everyone, and here I am today with a new post which will be dedicated exclusively to one thing, and that is a wonderful choker necklace that I have got today from ZAFUL site. I am delighted primarily with its quality, and by her looks. Very unusual and magical, this choker necklace is perfect for some simple outfits. Favorite thing about it to me is the kind of material, and it is velvet. It's so soft and does not bother while wearing. He is also on sale now and I'll leave the link HERE so you can have a look at it and order it. I hope that you will like it. Love xoxo
Ćao svima i evo me i danas sa jednim novim postom koji će biti posvećen isključivo jednoj stvari, a to je divna choker ogrlica koja mi je danas stigla sa ZAFUL sajta. Oduševljena sam prvenstveno njenim kvalitetom, a posle i njenim izgledom. Jako neobična i magična ova choker ogrlica savršena je da neke jednostavne odevne kombinacije učini zanimljivijim. Omiljena stvar kod nje mi je vrsta materijala, a to je somot. Premekana je i ne smeta dok se nosi. Takođe je i jako povoljna i zato ću vam ostaviti link OVDE kako bi mogli da je pogledate i poručite. Nadam se da će vam se svideti kao i meni. Love xoxo
Hello dear GIRLS and here is the second blog post for today, and in this post I am glad to show to you one of my favorite things this winter - Beautiful Zaful sweater. I call it The Perfect Sweater. Material, color, cut, shape everything is amazing. I love to wear it and I am very satisfied with its quality. When I got it I was thrilled and I really must say that the Zaful site is one of the best. I have a few things to show you these days from Zaful site and I'm sure you'll like it. This beautiful sweater you check out and order HERE! And the rest of these amazing sweaters can be seen HERE! How do you like it? Let me know what you think in the comments! Love xoxo
Zdravo drage devojkeee i evo za danas drugi post za vas, a u ovom postu predstavljam vam jednu od mojih omiljenih stvarčica ove zime - Predivan Zaful džemper. Bolje reći savršenstvo od džempera. Materijal, boja, kroj, oblik sve je onako kako se meni sviđa. Obožavam da ga nosim i jako sam zadovoljna njegovim kvalitetom. Kad sam ga dobila bila sam oduševljena i stvarno moram reći da je Zaful sajt jedan od boljih. Imam još par stvari da vam pokažem ovih dana baš sa Zaful sajta i sigurna sam da će vam se svideti. Ovaj divni džemper možete pronaći OVDE! A ostale možete pogledati OVDE! Kako se vama sviđa? Javite mi u komentarima! Love xoxo
Hello my dear girls, it's been a while sine I have written about this topic on my blog.. This time I want to show you one extravagant, but beautiful girl who knows how to handle fashion fever and still to look beautiful. This is Bebe Rexha, a popular singer from America and her style reminds me of Kylie Jenner style. What I like the most in it is her impeccable hairstyle and hair color. I am simply thrilled with how every hairstyle fits perfectly for her. Another remarkable thing about it is her make-up, in dark colors, but again in a special way, it does not look too hard and highlights her beauty in a special way. Her combinations are always decorated with a bunch of glitter or bright neon colors and fit perfectly with her skin tone and hair color. Of course choker necklaces are something that she very often wears, and her particular style is perfect for the pop music scene. Which means that they are not outfits for everyday and I'm not not recommending for younger readers to wear them, even when they go out, because this is the way of dressing specific for show business and pop scene.My fave outfits are first and third image. There is something feminine in them that I really like. Check out some of her videos and you will understand why I adore her. Enjoy! Love xoxo
Zdravo drage moje devojke, baš odavno nisam pokretala ovu temu na svom blogu, a to je moja rubrika o modnoj inspiraciji nedelje. Ovaj put želala sam da vam predsavim jednu ekstravagantnu, ali prelepu devojku koja sa stilom zna da iznese neobične modne kombinacije, a u njima opet da izgleda prelepo. To je Bibi Rexha, popularna pevačica iz Amerike koja me svojim stilom neopisivo podseća na Kylie Jenner. Ono što se meni na njoj najviše svidelo je njena besprekorna frizura kao i boja kose. Prosto sam oduševljena time koliko njoj svaka frizura savršeno stoji. Još jedna izuzetna stvar kod nje je šminka, koje naravno ima i više, ali opet na neki poseban način ona ne izgleda prenapadno već ističe njenu lepotu na poseban način. Njene kombinacije su uvek okićene gomilom šljokica ili svetlim neon bojama i odlično se uklapaju sa njenim tenom i bojom kose. Naravno choker ogrlice su nešto što ona jako često nosi, a njen poseban stil oblačenja savršen je za pop muzičku scenu. Što znači da nisu varijante za svaki dan i da ne preporučujem mlađim čitateljkama da ih nose, čak ni kad izlaze, jer je ovo jedan način oblačenja specifičan za šou biznis i pop scenu. Ja sam izabrala par njenih najzanimljivijih kombinacija sa nastupa i odlučila da vam ih predtsvim ovde. Predivna mi je u roze kombinacijama, a favorit su mi prva i treća slika. Ima nešto ženstveno na njima što mi se jako dopada. Pogledajte neki od njenih spotova i biće vam jasno zašto je obožavam. Uživajte! Love xoxo
Hello my dear girls, in one of the previous posts I have already mentioned that we begin to deal with a prom dresses. Every girl for days and even months is planning a special prom night and the dress and hairstyle. So I decided to make a series of these posts and help you to choose your perfect prom dress, and now you are going to meet with another great site for prom dress sale - OK Dress UK. And on their website I have chosen seven dresses that have taken away my breath at first glance. In the section of the site called Prom Dresses UK you can find more of these beautiful creations and you can also look elegant, but also challenging in Sexy Prom Dresses . My favorite is definitely the dress number two, and I'll leave you below each image a direct link to the product. Love xoxo
Zdravo drage moje i kao što sam u jednom od prošlih postova već pomenula, počinjemo polako da se bavimo Maturskim haljinama. Svaka devojka danima, pa čak i mesecima planira posebno matursko veče kao i haljinu i frizuru. Ja nisam mogla da dočekam moju maturu i razmišljala sam danima šta bih obukla ili kakvu bih šminku želela. Zato sam odlučila da kroz seriju ovih postova pomognem i vama da se odlučite za vašu savršenu matursku haljinu, a danas vas upoznajem sa još jednim sjajnim sajtom za prodaju maturskih haljina OK dress UK. I upravo sa njihovog sajta izabrala sam sedam haljina koje su mi oduzele dah pri prvom pogledu. U delu sajta pod nazivom Prom Dresses UK možete naći još mnogo ovih divnih kreacija i takođe možete izgledati elegantno, ali i izazovno u Sexy Prom Dresses haljinicama. Moj favorit je definitivno haljina broj 2, a ja ću vam ispod svake slike ostaviti direktan link do proizvoda. Love xoxo
Hello dear girls, and today I prepared for you a quick selfie post in which I decided to introduce to you a new website called Wholesale7. I got great things from them, but this outfit is definitely something that I like the most. Fantastic choker sweater and short olive green ripped pants. I did not expect the package that fast but today when I got it I could not wait for tomorrow and I wanted to show you right away this beautiful combination. Be sure to visit their website HERE and sweater and pants can be found at the following links HERE for sweater and HERE for jeans .Also they have amazing fashion dresses and cheap coats and lots of other great things like sweaters, jeans, sorts, jackets. Be sure to check out their amazing website. How do you like this combination? Love xoxo
Zdravo drage devojke, i danas sam za vas pripremila jedan brzinski selfie post u kome sam odlučila da vam predstavim novi sajt za prodaju odeće koji se zove Wholesale7. Dobila sam sjajne stvari od njih, ali pva kombinacija je definitivno nešto što mi se najvise dopada. Fantastičan Choker džemper i kratke maslinasto zelene iscepane pantalonice. Nisam očekivala da će paket tako brzo stići i danas kad sam ga dobila nisam mogla da dočekam sutra već sam želela da vam odmah pokažem ovu predivnu kombinaciju. Obavezno posetite njihov sajt OVDE, a džemper i pantalone možete naći na sledećim linkovima OVDE i OVDE. Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija? Love xoxo
Hi dear girls, and today again one of the most wanted topics on my blog, Prom dresses and Bridesmaid dresses. I am proud to introduce you to this amazing website Millybridal UK . They have amazing dresses as Long Prom Dresses and Short Prom Dresses and they have amazing wedding dresses. One of my favorite dresses is the first one pink dress. I am so in love with this dress because it has lovely lace and beautiful V neck shape. It's so romantic and I like it so much. The Prom is coming and If you don't know what to wear check out Millybridal UK and find some great inspiration. I made my wish list here and you can check out every dress that I like by clicking on link below the picture you like. I'm sure you will find some cool dresses. Love xoxo
Zdravo drage devojke i evo matura nam stiže jako, jako brzo. Pet meseci proleteće za čas i nećemo biti svesi da je matura već tu. Zato je jako bitno da o ovom temamo počnemo na vreme. Ovo je inače jedna od mojih omiljenih tema što se tiče bloga tako da sam jedva čekala da počnemo sa haljinama. Maturske haljine za 2016 bile su fantastične, ali imam osećaj da će ove godine izbor biti mnogo veći i bolji. Moda je stvar koja je sve više prisutna u našim životima tako da hajde da se bavimo ovom divnom ženskom opsesijom. Moje omiljene haljine za ovu godinu izabrala sam sa sajta Millybridal UK, gde sam pronašla gomilu predivnih haljina. Ovo su moji favoriti, a ispod svake slike ostavila sam vam i direktan link do same haljine kako bi mogli da je vidite u celosti. Love xoxo