Cocomelody Backless Wedding Dresses

Hi dear girls, I think that each of you dreamed even once about her perfect Wedding day. About wonderful long beautiful white dress, perfect haircut and perfect man beside you. The weather is getting warmer and lots of women are planing their perfect day right now. My best friend is getting married in September and because of that I am so inspired to write a little bit about wedding dress right now. Cocomelody is one of the greatest websites for beautiful wedding dresses any kind. You can find long dresses, short one, beach wedding dresses if you are having a romantic wedding on the beach or just cheaper wedding dresses if you don't want to spend so much money on it.

In this post I will write you a little bit about Backless Wedding Dresses which are one of my favorite dresses because I like the touch of the lace on my back, it's so romantic and gentle. I picked some of them from Cocomelody website that I liked the most and this first one is definitely my favorite of them all.

Open back wedding dresses are beautiful, comfortable, sweet and girly, and I like them so much. Cocomelody has a lots of dresses with open back and with lace on the back so I choose this one for my top 5! I will leave you direct links to every wedding dress you see on these photos so you can check them out and show your friends those beautiful creations. 

Cocomelody have a sale at THIS very moment so I am recommending you to check out their website. I think you can definately find something great for yourself.

Zdravo drage devojke, verujem da je svaka od vas bar jednom u svom Ĺživotu maĹĄtala o tome kako će izgledati njeno venčanje i to je u većini slučajeva bilo podstaknuto razmiĹĄljanjem o predivnoj haljini koja će tada biti noĹĄena. Bar je tako bilo u mom slučaju. Vreme postaje sve lepĹĄe i toplije, a sezona venčanja nam se polako pribliĹžava. U septembru se moja najbolja drugarica udaje i jedva čekam njeno venčanje, biće jako romantično i lepo. Zato sam odlučila da vam danas po prvi put predstavim jedan od sajtova koji se bave prodajom divnih venčanica. Cocomelody je jedan od vodećih sajtova u svetu specijalizovan za prodaju kratkih, dugih, leprĹĄavih i mnogih vrsta venčanica za vaĹĄ savrĹĄen dan. 

Backless Wedding Dresses (haljine sa otvorenim ledjima) su jedna od mojih omiljenih vrsta haljina za venčanja. Jako su elegantne , romantične i Ĺženstvene. U njima niste ni previĹĄe zatvoreni, a dovoljno je otvorena da prikaĹže najbolje od vas, ali da to ostane damski i elegantno. Mnogo mi se sviđa kako čipka izlgeda na delu leđa koji je otvoren. Kao prava haljina za princeze. 

Open Back Wedding Dresses ili haljine bez leđa su jedne od mojih favorita, kao ĹĄto sam i rekla i zato sam baĹĄ od te vrste izabrala par haljina koje sam vam predstavila na slikama ispod. Jako su lepe i stvarno kvalitetno odrađene. Ostaviću vam direktan link do svake od haljina ispod slika kako bi mogle da pogledate detaljnije o njima i da podelite ovo sa vaĹĄim drugaricama, kumama, komĹĄinicama ili drugim dragim damama koje planiraju svoj divan dan. 

Cocomelody website ovog trenutka ima rasporodaju i svima toplo preporučujem da posete njihov sajt i pronađu nešto zanimljivo za sebe,svoje drugarice ili druge buduće mlade.

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  1. Predivne haljine! :) <3

    Vildana from :

  2. Vencanica ne treba da se kupi bez prethodne probe, a te vencanice sa sajtova cesto ne izgledaju tako kako izgledaju na slikama

    1. Iskreno, ne vodim se tim verovanjima, ovo je ipak ozbiljan sajt, ne verujem da bi oni prodali losu robu. Meni su predivne vencanice. :D

  3. Lovely dresses!

    xx LL

  4. How are you today?

    I Like this post. Very nice pictures.
    See you soon.

  5. Cocomelody has gorgeous dresses, I love this shop! ❤️
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Ova pretposlednja kratka haljinica je preslatka :)
    Baš mi se sviđa! :)
    Super post :)


  7. These wedding dresses are all beautiful :)

    Rachel xx

  8. Odličan post i predivne venčanice draga! :)
    Vesna - Home Chic Club

  9. The dresses look really gorgeous!! :)

    Instagram: @sarafqueiros

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