Oh, dear Lace! Dresslily shopping experience

Hi dear girls, and here I am again after so long time. Today I want to show you this amazing Crop Top from one of my favorite shopping websites Dresslily. I am really glad that they have contacted me because I received this package very fast. I waited for it less than two weeks. It's very simple to order something from this site. You just need to check your size, color and model and to fill in your informations. This lace top is one of three things that I have received and it's amazing. The quality is so good and I like how soft this material is. You can check it out HERE and please leave me in comments what do you like about this shirt. I like the most this lace upper part of it. Bih thumbs up for Dresslily. I will definitely order something else soon! Love xoxo

Zdravo drage mojee, I evo me posle male pauzice. Danas sam odlučila da vam predstavim ovaj divni top koji mi je pre neki dan stigao sa sajta Dresslily. Iskreno, jako sam kratko čekala da mi paket stigne i za manje od dve nedelje bio je kod mene. Naručivanje je skroz jednostavno. Čekirate vašu veličinu , boju i model koji želite i nakon toga samo unesete vaše podatke. Pored ovog divnog topa dobila sam i još dve presltke majice koje ćete videti u nekom od sledećih postova. Obavezno posetite njihov sajt i pronađite nešto za sebe. Materijal je premekan i uopšte nije loš. Tako da veliki lajk za ceo Dresslily tim! Ja sam oduševljena. Posetite njihov sajt OVDE i uživajte! 

Check out some other reviews HERE!

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  1. I also love the lace detail of the top. Very lovely.

  2. Jako mi se svidja outfit, pogotovo ova majica... Divno zaista :* <333


  3. Kako si mi samo divnaa i zgodna :) <3
