Military Fashion

Ćao svimaa, danas jedan post sa jako neobičnom kombinacijom. Duks + čizme na štiklu, da ili ne? Veliku dilemu sam imala kada sam odlučila da isprobam ovu kombinaciju. Da li ili ne mešati kožne čizme sa sportskim duksom. Iskreno ovaj outfit inspirisan je Kylie Jenner stilom i njenom novom reklamnom kampanjom za sportsku kompaniju PUMA. Zato sam i ja baš uzela duks iz njihove kolekcije. Klasičan crni duks, vojničke pantalone, kačket i plus na sve to kožne čizme. Seksepilno, ali i neobično i moderno u isto vreme. Nadam se da će vam se svideti moja današnja kombinacija. Vidimo se u nekom od sledećih postova. Love xoxo

Hi everyone, today one post with a very unusual combination. Sweater + high-heeled boots, yes or no? I had a big dilemma when I decided to try this combination. Whether or not mixed with sports leather boots and sweat shirts. Frankly this outfit was inspired by Kylie Jenner style and her new advertising campaign for sportswear company PUMA. That's why I just took the sweater from their collection. Classic black sweater, combat trousers, cap and plus leather boots. Sexy, but also unusual and modern at the same time. I hope you will like my combination. See you in one of the following posts. Love xoxo

Cap Adidas
Sweater Puma
Shirt Bonatti
Military Jeans Denistar, Roda Shopping Center

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  1. meni je ova kombinacija baš super.

  2. great pants ^^

  3. Love this casual and sporty look. Love militar trend!

  4. Divan post. <3
